The 2020-2021 season marks the Topeka Symphony Orchestra’s 75th Anniversary! The 75th anniversary is traditionally recognized with diamonds, so we will be celebrating all season long with music that sparkles and shines. We will kick off the year with a concert of favorites featuring the always popular “Carnival of the Animals” and Wagner’s shimmering “Siegfried Idyll,” and follow that up with an all-Beethoven concert
to celebrate his 250th birthday. Our holiday pops will sparkle with the music of the season and our first concert of 2021 will include Russian gems like Stravinsky’s
show-stopping “Rite of Spring” and Mussorgsky’s “Night on Bald Mountain.” We’ll feature our very own principal cellist Eman Chalshotori in February’s concert, and March’s concert will be a night of radiant beauty with a premiere of Topeka composer Gordon McQuere’s setting of a collection of Rosetti songs paired with the stunning “Pictures at an Exhibition.” We finish our season with the diamonds of the night-sky with the music of “Star Wars.” Join us for our Diamond Anniversary season and celebrate in glittering, sparkling style.
Kyle Wiley Pickett