The Executive Committee shall be composed of the officers of DTI. When the Board is not in session, the Executive Committee shall have the power to act on routine, perfunctory matters, respond in a timely manner to matters which require immediate action (e.g. respond to news stories) and to make recommendations for strategic actions and policy decisions for Board consideration.
The Parking Committee works with the City of Topeka Parking Department to recommend parking policies that are most beneficial to the merchants and residents of downtown Topeka.
The Merchants Committee meets with businesses and residents of downtown to discuss downtown needs, events and promotional opportunities.
The Board Development & Nominating Committee is responsible for recommending to the Board candidates to serve as Directors on the DTI Board, nominating to the Board candidates to serve as the officers of DTI and for other duties properly assigned to the committee by the Board.
The Grants Committee accepts and reviews applications for grants from the Downtown Topeka Redevelopment Incentive Program. It is a program funded by the City of Topeka to encourage residential and commercial improvements of buildings for future use in the Capital City Business Improvement District.